ChatGPT - by OpenAI
ChatGPT is an AI Technology based model that is design to communicate in a human way created by OpenAI.
OpenAI is a name of an artificial intelligence company, its a research organisation which is working towards the betterment of humanity.
On November 30, 2022, OpenAI releases their new product called chatGPT. ( GPT stands for Generative Pretrained Transformer )
It is a chat-bot that particularly responses to your question. Below are same instances you can see to get the idea of its working. You may have seen many of chatbots available on many of websites which communicate with you, but only in a particular way as they are design to answer the limited sets of questions whatever the work domain they belong to, for example, related to education, medicine, about purchasing any course, job recruitng apps like Web based applications related to number of workfield have a predefined inbuilt chatbox which allows you to ask them a question you are confuse about or any step by step method related questions, then it answers you. Those answer are already defined in their web application, these are certain number of answer you will get.

But incase of ChatGPT, people are comparing it with google which is not a threat to google like people are talking that it could be. When you search in google you get number of links and then look out for particular link you find good fit for you. Thats how you get the information you are searching for. If you do not like that particular webpage and its information, you look for another link for the same information. That is how you find the required knowledge mean for you.

Chat box is not a search engine not a browser at all, but its working model is to give you the infomation without any webpage link, so that you won't get to redirect to any other page. This chatGPT will provide the answer or information as a reply to your question. The related pictures you find below is the simple interface of it. Now you can get that, I message on it and then it gives back a reply. And this is attractive in itself as you are not chatting with any human. Its a trained model that get a request (Question) from you andt hen respond ( Answer) to you.
As it describe by openAI, there are some limitations and disadvantages to it. It is not that you will get your every desired answer if your question is not compatible or hamrfull for the society or for any individual.
- It will not give an appropriate anwer you if you are asking the question which leads to any kind of violation.
- It will not answer the questions about violent, physical harms, mental harms to any individual or group.
- It will rather ask you to go through a legal way for solving the issue and not by manupulating badly for personal mean.
- As it all made for the purpose of providing good and healthy information, mostly related to study
- Most amazing about it that it is able to solve your bug including code, yes it will show you an error and also how to fix that code. Perhaps it might ask you to provide more information regarding code for more accurate answer.
Right now it like under trail and open for all, it is not all accurate all the time but enough to help you. With time it will improve its learning as it is a machine which learn itself browse all the information network and provide you the accurate one.
Company Name : OpenAI : Founded in 2015
Product Name : ChatGPT (2022) : Text Based Conversation application
Founder : Sam Altman, : Elon Musk
OpenAI has delivered number of products and technology which are all on researching and working simultaneously for makimg a change. There are numerous things about it to read and explore.
You can try out here, go to link, open an account, login and experience it and you are welcome to share what do you think about it, your thoughts in the comments section.
Click on link for OPEN AI new product :: ChatGPT :: developed By
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